Bronze Lion - Social & Influencer
For the last two years the Wendy’s Twitter account has done National Roast Day where they roast chumps on the internet.
I wrote one of the tweets this year. It got 15,000 likes. Everyone in the office high fived me. It was dope.
Uniforms our employees can wear in the winter.
— Wendy's (@Wendys) January 4, 2019
One day my partner and I were messing around on Instagram & Giphy and noticed McDonald’s didn’t have any stickers on Giphy.
So we HACKED em. We made a bunch of gifs making fun of them and saying how they had frozen beef and tagged them with #mcdonalds #mcdonald #frozenbeef etc.
You get it. Here’s what they look like. I made these myself before I learned After Effects. So they’re a little crude, but still fun and I like em.
We created a Where’s Wendy in our Instagram feed for the season premier of season 4 of Rick and Morty.
If you find her, send me a screenshot and I’ll reply, “I am proud of you.”
Remember the Avengers Infinity War Memes? We’ll a few days after the movie came out (when it was STILL topical) we made this.
McDonald’s. We GOT EM AGAIN!
TFW yo beef’s still frozen
— Wendy's (@Wendys) May 8, 2018
At one point in time there were no redhead emojis. Then they added one boy and one girl emoji.
But let’s say you want a readheded pilot, chef, firefighter, shrugging emoji, or face palm emoji?
Still to this day, they don’t exist. So, because Wendy is a redhead herself, we created a line of “emojis” on giphy for fans to use.
Fixed it.
— Wendy's (@Wendys) November 21, 2018
After McDonald’s launched “fresh beef” to the US, we were tasked with responding.
Turns out they only use fresh beef in one sandwich. The quarter pounder.
But Wendy’s has fresh beef on every burger, every day.
So we made a bunch of websites to give the people straight facts.
Wendy’s got to make one of the first sponsored Instagram stories so we really wanted to make it special.
We tried thinking of ways to hack the platform. We utilized the tap to pause feature and built our creative around it.
Check out this short video I animated ;)
Once upon a time, before the return of spicy nuggs, a rapper named Chance posted a tweet. He said he wished very much that we’d bring them back.
Well guess what? We were already planning on bringing them back. And I had already shot the food footage.
So I took out iMovie and cut the footage together with the PERFECT Chance the Rapper song.
Then when it came time to finally produce it, he had come out with a new album and we had to use a new song. It works too.